8 March 2023
Large Meeting Room (AA447), Fourth Floor, Research Building No.2
Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
KINDOWS International Seminar on “The Politics of Language and Development in South Asia”
- Center for Indian Ocean World Studies, Kyoto University (KINDOWS)
15:00–15:50 Prof. Francesca Orsini (School of Asian and African Studies, UK, Emirita) “Pol(l) Khol: Expose, Political Comedy, and the Ground of Satire in Contemporary Hindi”
15:50–16:00 Break Time
16:00–16:50 Dr. Ray Asada (JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development) “Rethinking the Sustainable Development Discourse in Contemporary Sri Lanka”
16:50–17:00 Break Time
17:00–18:00 Discussion
1) Rohan D’Souza (ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
2) Inika Hazarika (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Rohan D’Souza
Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University